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The seven articles in this volume, written by French and German specialists in book history, address various aspects of the materiality of print culture, examining both the processes of book production and the paths of book circulation. They explore notions of composition, collection and circulation of texts and images, from manuscript to books designed for specific readers. They are based on a variety of sources from archive documents to the study of specific manuscript or printed copies. The perspective is transnational, taking at Gutenberg's Europe as a space for the circulation of print, and concerns early modernity, from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries.
Description 1 volume (182 pages) : illustrations ; 21 cm
Collection Cultures & temporalités
Cultures & temporalités = 2024
Note Autres contributeurs : Holger Th. Gräf, Thomas Nicklas
Notes bibliographiques
Langue anglais
ISBN 978-2-37496-217-7

From Press to Readers, Studies in the Materiality of Print Culture / Jean-Louis Haquette & Elga Meise
Second-Hand Books, Second-Rate Culture? The Library of a Bourgeois at the dawn of the 5th Century (Le Mesnagier de Paris) / Karin Ueltschi
Travelling Libraries. The Intertextuality of Sources on the Experience of Travel in Early Modern Journals of the Grand Tour / Jill Bepler
Frankfurt's Book and Art Market in the 17th Century. Annotations on Prices and Wages / Andrea Pühringer
Johann Philipp Thelott and his Account-Book. A previuosly Unknown Record for Mid-17th Century Publishing and Book-trade / Holger Th. Gräf
"Ruiner la galanterie". D'Aubignac's "Les conseils d'Artistes A Cemimene, sur les moyens de conserver sa Reputation (1666)" and its Transfer to the German-Speaking Countries / Helga Meise
Milton in Veneto. The Circulation of the First Illustrated Italian Translation of 'Paradise Lost" / Jean-Louis Haquette
Knowing how to Acquire for Bern. Remarks on the Donation Policy for the Bernese Public Library (17th/18th Centuries) / Thomas Nicklas